Mammals of the Charente/Dordogne


There are 17 species of bat found in France. Identification on the wing is almost impossible. Using a bat detector makes the ultrasound, produced by the bats, audible to the human ear. However most bats produce sound in a similar frequency range so separating them is difficult. Horseshoe bats can be identified with confidence since their ultrasound is of a higher frequency.
My experience in the Charente is that bats tend to be more common in some areas at different months. This could be due to food scarcity or moving from one roost to another.
  1. Bats filmed in September,the soundtrack is the clicking of a bat detector. It was very dark but the camera gives the impression of it being lighter than it actually was.
  2. The same evening but with the film slowed to show the bats gliding. The bats look more similar to birds.
  3. Bats filmed with a camera trap near a stream.
  4. Pipistrelle filmed after finding it roosting in an empty room, it then flies off. Remember it is illegal to capture or disturb bats.
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