Discover Nature with Small Wildlife Films!

Click on the images below.

Digital cameras enable us to observe familiar wildlife in new and different ways.

Speed up or slow recordings to see patterns of movement and behaviour.

Use infra red to monitor animals in total darkness.

Use camera traps which take video when triggered by motion or heat.

Use macro lenses to record animals on a much smaller scale.

Small Wildlife Films uses Open Source Software where possible.
For example all films now produced

with Kdenlive running on Ubuntu Linux

The site is always undergoing development as new videos are added, so please add a bookmark
and return soon to look for new additions.
or go to my YouTube Channel

Best viewed using Mozilla Firefox the Open Source Browser. All animations produced using The Gimp which is the open source alternative to Photoshop.

The camera I use is a Sony RX10 Mk3. Click here for a promotional clip from Sony explaining its features.

You are welcome to use any images but please acknowledge
Small Wildlife Films

The moving images on this site are best viewed with a broadband connection,
since they will load more quickly.